Welcome to CFK.ME

I am a data scientist with 20+ years experience as a software and web developer.

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Data Science

Data/Information is the root of all progress.

  • Collecting the data.
  • Cleaning the data.
  • Exploring the data.
  • Learning from the data.
  • Using the data for implementation or improvements.
  • Monitoring the data.
  • Repeating.

Data science is software done backwards. While building the software for a common sense approach, or for known purposes works great. You then need to monitor the software and usage so you can collect the data to make leaps forward.



Just an underlying drive to explore.



On a mission for the right reasons.



Entire system with the desired outcome in mind.



Things I do while living

Data Science

Collect and Study data, and use it to improve things where possible.

Machine Learning

Using the data science models, building slightly smarter systems.

Software Development

Bulding systems that don't need to be smarter, but can be.

Web Development

Internet systems that don't need to be smarter, but should be.

Mobile Development

Mobile software for android devices, I just don't touch ios.

Human Experimentation

Enhancing things and waiting for people to notice the changes good or bad.

Call To Inaction

This is a personal website, nothing and nobody should be contacting you from this domain.

Call To Distraction


Serious inquiries only.

Our Address

Doesn't matter we service the internet

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